Can you meet our 2024 Book Challenge?
It’s a new year and that means 12 brand new months to take your reading to the next level by exploring new authors, new genres and books you would have never thought you’d enjoy!
Participate in the Shepherdstown Public Library 2024 Book Challenge with your friendly Library staff and lots of community members!
Here’s how it works:
- Click here and take a look at our Book Prompts here.
- Download and print the PDF of the prompts if you want to keep a physical, log and write the book titles underneath the prompts like we do. You can also pick a free copy up at the library.
- Choose a book based on the prompt. For example, if the prompt is “Biography of a Celebrity”, you might choose the new Barbra Streisand book “Barbra”, which you might not normally be drawn to or interested in.
- Step outside your comfort zone, read the book (or as much as you can) and gain valuable insights a long the way. You may discover that you have absolutely zero interest in (fill in the blank) or that you actually do like quirky modern romance novels. You never know what you’ll learn along this challenge journey, but we know it will worth it!
We’ll be sharing book recommendations for each prompt during the year-long challenge so click here to see them. Be sure to stay tuned to our social media feeds to get more ideas! Join us on Facebook here and on Instagram here!