Donate to SPL
Government funding pays only a portion of Shepherdstown Library’s operating expenses. We depend on support from generous individuals like you, along with community groups like Friends of the Shepherdstown Library (FOSL) and Nourishing Literacy Giving Circle.
We rely on supporters like you to help keep our books, programs, and resources free and available to our entire community.
Make a Donation Now
Every contribution you make assists the Library in serving community members of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. Those who donate monthly offer essential and reliable support to the Library.
Your donation helps the library:
- Expand collections – fiction, non-fiction, audiobooks, eBooks, and more
- Expand and sustain library-led programs like Children’s Story Time and Adult Lectures, Author Visits, and Craft Workshops
- Enhance resource access and outreach
Even a small gift goes a long way. Whatever the amount, your support will serve to educate, entertain, and enrich the lives of our citizens.
Honorarium or Memorial Gift
When you make your online donation, you may choose to honor or memorialize someone special to you by making a gift in their name.
Should you elect to make a memorial gift, please include the honoree’s name and address so that we may notify that person of your kindness.
In the case of a deceased honoree, please also include the name(s) and address of the family member(s) to whom you would like an acknowledgment sent. Your gift will be acknowledged with a tax-appropriate letter, and notification will be sent to the honoree or honoree’s family that will include your name and address but not the gift amount.